(in English)

Type of studies: graduate
Language: English
Duration: 2 years
Mode of study: Part-time
Degree: Master of Engineering
Timeframe: Enrolment is open 20.05.2024 -14.02.2025

Enrolment is open 20.05.2024 - 14.02.2025
Admissions of Polish candidates are carried out by the University Admissions Committee. Decisions as regards international candidates are taken by the Rector. Candidates with the highest grades in their undergraduate (first-cycle) studies and only those who fulfil the formal requirements are offered admission, subject to the quota.
Formal criteria
In order to be admitted to postgraduate (second-cycle) studies at the Maritime University of Szczecin, candidates are required to have completed their undergraduate studies in the same or a related field of study.
Before enrolling in any degree programme carried out in English all candidates are required to take a test on English language.
Exemptions from the test can be granted to the candidates who:
- speak English as their mother tongue,
- hold the Cambridge First Certificate or an equivalent document,
- graduated from high school or college with English as the language of instruction,
- completed a degree programme with English as the language of instruction,
- completed a degree programme in Poland and received at least B grade on their final exam in English.
Register directly on
Please check here: Apply step by step what documents you can use to prove your English language proficiency.
More information for international candidates >>
To be admitted to a Master's degree course at the Maritime University of Szczecin, students need to complete their Bachelor's or Engineer's degree in Navigation or a related field of study.
Maritime Transport
Marine navigation graduate courses are conducted by a highly skilled and experienced team of dedicated lecturers, with the help of the latest available technology used to train top-class engineers. Our students have access to modern equipped laboratories, training rooms, ship's bridge simulators and training and research vessel.
Our facilities and courses meet international standards requirements. The graduates can apply for a job worldwide as our diplomas and degrees are recognized internationally.
Navigation courses provided by our University prepare the graduates for a wide spectrum of career opportunities in the global maritime economy.
The hands-on experience gained in the most heavily funded and fast-growing high-tech sector allows our students and graduates to acquire and develop a specific set of skills and knowledge to respond and adapt quickly to changes in the job market.
Before the satellite systems came into widespread use on land, sailors used them in their work on ships. The first prototypes of computers were utilized in science to calculate predictions of astronomical tides, which navigators analyse on a daily basis. Wind farms producing renewable energy - this is already an everyday part of a navigator's job. Your colleagues will lay fibre optic cables in the cities’ networks, you will use them to connect the continents. You will get to know the powerful force of the ocean and sea, you will visit many countries, and you will get used to working in international teams, among people of different cultures and languages. Spread your wings, rise to a challenge, and follow your dreams with us, or you can choose a stable, straightforward career path with "feet on the ground". All these intentions are achievable on one condition - choose the right course of study - choose Navigation.
Why is it worth it?
Navigation course opens the door to an ever-changing international job market with a choice of multiple regions, companies, and the terms of contracts.
Most graduates, within 12 months of completing the course, develop a fast-track career advancement
By choosing to study Navigation at MUS, you will develop a career at sea or on land, in the maritime economy or any other field - the possibilities are endless.
Your future work will be demanding, but, it will also be a life challenge that would give a lot of satisfaction, and above all - a well-paid job. This kind of work shapes characters, the ability to adapt quickly to change and the need for continuous self-education.
Our graduates gain a valuable diploma from a recognized maritime university committed to keeping up to the highest international standards.
Highly skilled and experienced maritime staff among our dedicated lecturers provides a practical approach to the knowledge.
You can study in an exciting, friendly city, at the university with over 70 years of history and live on the best campus in the city - university buildings, dormitories, library, reading rooms, swimming pool, clubs, theatres, cinema, parks and shopping centres - all at your fingertips, within a short – one and a half of kilometre - walking distance. From Szczecin, through Berlin (just 2h away by bus) and the nearby port of Świnoujście, you can easily get to the other European destinations by air or by sea.
Navigation graduates can take up a job in the maritime sector and find employment opportunities in other industries in today's job market.
In particular, they can work as:
- seafarers of the operational and management level (officers and captains, master mariners) on merchant ships in international, domestic and inland navigation
- seafarers and employees of the offshore sector, including mining and renewable energy resources services (offshore wind farms)
- in the maritime services sector: tug boats, waterways and marine ports construction and maintenance
- officers and captains of the modern sea fishing fleet and mariculture staff
- officers, captains and masters mariners of the passenger fleet (ferries, sea and ocean-going passenger ships, cruise ships, as well as all types of commercial yachts) employees of hydrographic services, border guards, maritime SAR (Search and Rescue) service
- maritime pilots, coastal inspection stations and vessel traffic management staff
- after gaining relevant maritime experience, as technical consultants, experts on cargo operations
- insurance companies’ inspectors, maritime classification and certification services employees
- experts in ship equipment.
Our graduates also find employment in state and local government administration and as shipping company executives or maritime recruitment agencies
Degree Programme
The three-semester MSc degree course is aimed at graduates (engineers) in Navigation or related fields: Transport, Geodesy and Cartography - after basic navigation knowledge verification.
The degree programme content is an enrichment of the background knowledge delivered to the students during the Navigation undergraduate course.
The presented programme covers a total of 24 subjects with 940 teaching hours, including:
- basic subjects - 250
- major subjects - 600
- optional subjects – 90
All subjects included in the study plan are assessed for credit except for university lectures, for which there is, each semester, an exam scheduled. Credits are given by the tutor based on the evaluations of tests, reports, projects presented and other assignments.
The graduate Navigation course aims to provide students with a broad knowledge base in navigation and other related sciences, allowing flexibility in their career choice.
University graduation provides the knowledge needed for further professional and academic development. This knowledge combined with the necessary skills provides successful career opportunities in the maritime, transport and construction sectors. Acquired professional competencies allow the graduates: to pursue a scientific path in the field of navigation and navigation technologies, to engage in the research process and foster analytical thinking skills. The MUS education process also aims to develop skills in estimating the safety of navigation on waters, the principles of designing the navigational infrastructure elements, technical know-how of simulation tools for floating objects and navigational systems.
Graduate profile
Graduates receive a diploma with a professional degree: MSc Engineer. They are prepared to contribute in a creative way to: research and implementation teams working on navigation issues; enterprises which design, organise, secure and support the operation of navigation infrastructures; the administration safety departments responsible for communication and transport processes; traffic control or supervision services, operational and management units of transport and traffic enterprises. Graduates have mastered the skills of working with people and leading teams and are prepared to take on research challenges and undertake doctoral studies.
Outlook for graduates
Graduates from the Faculty of Navigation leave our University with professional knowledge, skills and competencies in line with the requirements of the international STCW Convention (equivalent to "Nautical Operations" courses in Norway and European Union countries). They can pursue careers in a wide range of maritime industry branches, starting from ashore services, highly specialised merchant fleet, through the fishing industry, passenger and industrial fleet. They also have the opportunities to apply for employment as lecturers and researchers to Polish and foreign universities and maritime centres.
Marine navigation courses are conducted by a highly skilled and experienced team of dedicated lecturers, with the help of the latest available technology used to train top-class engineers. Our students have access to modern equipped laboratories, training rooms, ship's bridge simulators and training and research vessel.
Our facilities and courses meet international standards requirements.
The graduates can apply for a job worldwide as our diplomas and degrees are recognized internationally.
Navigation courses provided by our University prepare the graduates for a wide spectrum of career opportunities in the global maritime economy.
The hands-on experience gained in the most heavily funded and fast-growing high-tech sector allows our students and graduates to acquire and develop a specific set of skills and knowledge to respond and adapt quickly to changes in the job market.
Before the satellite systems came into widespread use on land, sailors used them in their work on ships. The first prototypes of computers were utilized in science to calculate predictions of astronomical tides, which navigators analyse on a daily basis. Wind farms producing renewable energy - this is already an everyday part of a navigator's job. Your colleagues will lay fibre optic cables in the cities’ networks, you will use them to connect the continents.
You will get to know the powerful force of the ocean and sea, you will visit many countries, and you will get used to working in international teams, among people of different cultures and languages. Spread your wings, rise to a challenge, and follow your dreams with us, or you can choose a stable, straightforward career path with "feet on the ground". All these intentions are achievable on one condition - choose the right course of study - choose Navigation.
Polish citizens:
Należy dostarczyć dokumenty również w wersji papierowej, rekrutacja elektroniczna nie zwalnia z tego obowiązku!
Kandydaci, którzy uzyskają status "zakwalifikowanych do przyjęcia na studia" zobowiązani są do złożenia kompletu papierowych dokumentów do końca terminu rekrutacji.
Kandydaci mogą dostarczyć dokumenty rekrutacyjne:
- osobiście do Uczelnianej Komisji Rekrutacyjnej - ul. Wały Chrobrego 1-2, pok. 127, 130, 131a (pon. - pt. w godz. 9 - 14) lub
- za pośrednictwem operatora pocztowego lub
- za pośrednictwem firmy kurierskiej
na adres:
Politechnika Morska w Szczecinie
ul. Wały Chrobrego 1-2
70-500 Szczecin
All candidates are expected to submit the following application documents by the admissions deadline:
1. Application form.
2. A copy of the graduation diploma certified by the university (if a diploma has been obtained outside Poland, the candidate must be entitled to continue education on graduate studies in the country where the diploma has been issued). The candidate is obliged to submit the original diploma with an Apostille or validated by the Polish Consul. *
3. Diploma supplement (with a transcript of records and other information on the programme you completed).
4. 2 full-face photographs, 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm (the photographs should be identical, up-to-date, clear, showing a person’s face with no headcover or dark glasses, head in a left half- profile with the whole left ear visible, face evenly lit) photos are also required in digital version (as an attachment during the admission process on the MUS website); If there is a problem with attaching the photo, the MUS Admission Committee will upload it later on.
5. Application fee receipt (PLN 85).
6. ID card (for inspection only).
7. The information clause GDPR.
Candidates who apply for two programmes within the same Faculty, submit only one application form indicating their first and second choice. Only one application fee is required
Please check here: Apply step by step what documents you can use to prove your English language proficiency.
More information for international candidates >>
Candidates are required to apply via University admissions website
Important: to complete the application candidates for the programmes delivered in the English language may submit all their application documents in digital form only. However, on arrival to Poland, it is mandatory for them to complete enrolment i.e. submit all application documents in paper versions.
* Only persons who hold an undergraduate diploma (According to Article 326 of the Higher Education Act dated 20.07.2018, Poland) may apply for admission to the Maritime University of Szczecin
Pliki do pobrania
Admission application form | ![]() |
Personal information form MUS - PDF | ![]() |
Information clause GDPR RODO ENG | ![]() |
Admission fee: PLN 85
Payment can be made at the University cash desk or directly to the Maritime University of Szczecin bank account:Bank Pekao S.A. 91 1240 3927 1111 0011 0575 2658
IBAN PL 91 1240 3927 1111 0011 0575 2658
Tuition fees:
- Polish citizens - 9 000 PLN / year
- foreigners from outside the European Union - 13,000 PLN / year
- foreigners mentioned in Article 324, paragraph 2 of the Higher Education Act (EU citizens, Polish Card holders (Pol. Karta Polaka), Permanent Residence Permit holders, the decision of a Polish consul certifying Polish origin, refugees, Temporary Residence Card holders - family reunification, holders of PKPZJPjO certificate with level min. C1, spouse, child or parent of a Polish citizen living in Poland) - 9 000 PLN / year.
Candidates may participate in several admission procedures, each time submitting a separate application fee. The application fee for one chosen course, level and type of study is PLN 85. In the event of a failure in admission for the main course, candidates will be automatically redirected to an alternative one.
Cash office open: Mon - Fri 10.00 - 14.00.

Maritime University of Szczecin - Politechnika Morska w Szczecinie
ul. Wały Chrobrego 1-2, room 101/102
70-500 Szczecin, Poland
Check out our admission website for international candidates
tel. +48 91 48 09 965 (English, German)
tel. +48 91 48 09 345 (English, Spanish)
tel. +48 91 48 09 817 (Russian)
10.00 till 14.00 CET
tel. + WhatsApp: +48 601 329 781
fax: +48 91 48 09 831
Polish-speaking candidates, please contact:
Uczelniana Komisja Rekrutacyjna WN
tel. kom.: +48 663 370 144
Admission results can be checked on the MUS admissions website >>
Candidates who have been refused admission through an administrative decision of the Admissions Committee have the right to appeal to the Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin within 14 days of receiving the decision, through the Admissions Committee (applies to Polish citizens).
Candidates who have been refused admission through an administrative decision of the Admissions Committee have the right to appeal to the Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin within 14 days of receiving the decision (applies to international candidates).